Raised vegan by my Jamaican mother out in the midwest, she recognized in me a deep fascination in the making of food and wonderfully stoked that fire from a young age. One of my earliest memories is standing on a chair to help her fill and fold danish pastries into lil square flowers. ^_^ 90s era veganism was basically from-scratch era veganism, and so my mom and I made most everything ourselves, either out of necessity or curiosity, and it was a culinary experience I always delighted in.

Fast forward to a few years ago and I’ve dedicated a lot of my free moments to the making and sharing of food with friends, food always being my love language. After teaching myself many things over the course of my life I got jazzed bout the intricacies of cake. And as all other food joys of mine, these first cakes were of course shared. And somehow from that I’ve managed to build this and it’s still really quite surreal.

Although I’m really proud of being self-taught and incremently building this lil bakery of mine through the concurrent working of other jobs, thru pandemic straits, and without access to investment capital, I feel this couldn’t have come together without the love and reinforcement of my friends. Thankful for the peeps that saw this before I could imagine it for myself. The ones that paid me more than I was willing to ask for. The ones that knew I could do better in those early days and weren’t afraid to tell me when my bakes needed more finessing. You all had a hand in making this happen. THANK YOU.

i run a fully vegan bakery biz based in sunny tampa bay, fl.